As Paul does in most of his epistles, he starts his letter to the church in Rome by opening up his heart. He has a deep love for the Gospel and the Church, and he wants to do all he possible can to accomplish the mission God called him to: build up the Church.
Let's hear a little bit from Paul's heart...
1. What does Paul say about himself?
Some people in the church there in Rome probably knew of Paul, or even knew him personally. But there were also likely many who had never heard of him. So it's important for the church to hear his love for them and for the Gospel.
So, how does he start out? By not talking about himself! He exalts Christ and rejoices in their salvation. OK, but what Paul - what makes this guy tick?
Think about these perspectives:
- His dedicated prayer life
- His sense of mission
- His commitment to the Gospel
- His understanding of salvation
2. What does Paul say about the Gospel?
- Origin (1:1-2)
- Content (1:3-6)
- Purpose (1:5)
- Power (1:4)
- Propagation (1:14-15)
- More?
3. Do you understand the “eagerness” Paul expresses for ministry – do you ever experience that feeling in your life?
4. Think about the “righteousness of God” in 1:17.
- What is it, what is it not?
- the power of God, the result of receiving the Gospel
- Use eSword or studylight.org to look at the meaning of the Greek word
- dig deep in the Word!
- Why does he quote "the just shall live by faith"?
- look over in Galatians 3 for some help