In football, we often hear the players or coaches declaring they have to get “back to the basics”. We know what they’re talking about – they’ve tried all the high-powered strategies and they’re not winning, so when all else fails, get back to the basics.
Well we need to do that as Christians too. This study seeks to provide a foundation for someone coming to know Christ as Savior, and have some of the "big picture" that will help them know where to start, and where they're going. No amount of fancy programs and plans is going to make us successful Christians. It’s the basics that count. So we start here: What is this great salvation all about?
When we come to know Christ, it's the result of our hearing the truth of God's Word proclaimed to us in one way or another. We go through some thinking processes, we exercise our heart, we consider the reality of the basic facts about God's gift of salvation provided by Christ's death and resurrection. And we believe! We are a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17)! So, once you are born again, you begin "walking" the Christian life. And as you go along, you occasionally will find yourself thinking back over the process of your coming to place your faith in Christ. Here are some things for you to consider, as you develop your faith in Christ.
Settle these basics in your thinking so you don't need to come back and figure them out again...
- Three primary axioms about the One True God:
- God Is - He is eternal, He is holy, He is the same yesterday, today and forever
- God Is Who He says He Is - He spoke the worlds into existence, He is Sovereign, He
- God does what He says He will do
- Real life is more than what I see on earth.
- I'm designed to be in fellowship with God. Created in His image, we are by nature inclined to want fellowship with others, and especially with our Creator.
- Real life is much more than just this earthly existence
The Bible is our authority for absolute truth -- Period! The only authority - the absolute authority - the error free authority. There's a lot to think about there, but we need to be working through the fact that the Bible truly is the inspired Word of God. The Bible is a remarkable book, a rich treasure of wisdom, but best of all, it is our Creator's communication to us so that we can know about Him and know Him!